Monday, March 8, 2010

Our Health Care

Health care is a fungible good; nothing more.  It's a result of capitalists doing what they do to make progress and money in the process.  President Obama will stop that progress to institute a mediocre system where everyone is treated exactly the same regardless of input, output, or creativity or productive effort or results.  No one is entitled to the efforts of others (like doctors and researchers, for example).  He's a Socialist, a system that diminishes rewards in exchange for reduced efforts of the productive.  People will still suffer and endure pain.  In fact, any of the proposed health care bills will make MORE people suffer, not fewer, because of reduced incentives to innovate.  Innovators have skin in the game and expect rewards; rewards that will not be forthcoming under the President's bill, whichever one it is.

Lawyers have the unique persepctive they can command others that will obey due to the force of law and the threat of incarceration or fiscal damage.  But they have no command over the creative to create, or way to induce the bright to peruse medicine as a career instead of the banking so many seem to detest of late.  Smart people will do what is best for them; that is the rule of the jungle whether you like it or not.  Society should never have any legitimate interest in a population's health care outside of public health.  We all die, some sooner than later.  Life's tough.  Now buck up campers and get back out there and do something productive.

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