Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Air We Breathe

I recently learned that the debate on climate change is over.  Good.  Personally, I am sick to death of trying to explain the effects of earth's natural rotation.  I feel that there have been a number of victims to this debate, not the least of whom is Al Gore.  That poor guy was given erroneous information and then left hanging in the wind when the premises of his position were brought to light as complete fabrications.  I would likely travel from one fortress of solitude to another on my personal jet while refusing to engage in debate as well, should I find myself in a similar position.  I am sure he would use a different form of transportation could he find one that left a bigger carbon footprint.  It is almost like the Nobel Prize Committee is "punking" us.  Wait where has Ashton Kutcher been recently?  I think we would find a few stamps for Sweden on his passport.

All joking aside, there truly is danger in the continued use of our current fuels.  The very air we breathe is polluted.  The effects are not seen too clearly in adults who live in the country and then move into the cities.  To see clearly the results of over 100 years of heavy pollution, you have to look at the children.

When I was a freshman and sophomore in high school, I played soccer.  In my junior year I switched schools and took the year off from sports.  I used the time to get a job and begin producing.  Missing soccer, I decided to coach a youth-league team.  Of the 15 kids on my team, only one had any respiratory issues.  The following year as a freshman in college, I decided to coach again.  Of the 14 kids on my team, 5 showed up with inhalers. 

What was the difference?  My high school was located in a smallish town (back then) with little interstate use and no traffic congestion at all.  The college I attended was dead center of a large city.  Tons of traffic there!  I worked in the 18th floor of one of the skyscrapers that overlooks the interstate.  On any given morning you can look out over the interstate and see the clear line of smog that hangs over it.  I don't need any scientist to verify what the source of these kid's respiratory issues is.

It upsets me that so many people have gone to such great lengths to completely fabricate and then spread the lies of global warming when it does not really address the issue.  The issue is not that the world is in danger of spontaneous combustion.  The problem is that we are diluting our gene pool. 

Let me be clear about this, I am not saying that we face extinction; but our current choice of fuel is causing more health issues than drugs and guns combined.

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