Friday, January 22, 2010

Obama "stumps" in Ohio today

Am I the only one that noticed the 20 point drop in the stock market as Obama spoke?  I guess I shouldn't have watched it on CNBC if I didn't want the humor aspect added.

I think he does a better job than any progressive before him in hiding the similarities between the progressive agenda and socialism.  I guess is is too much to ask to get even a slight bit of honesty from a politician. 

Obama did say something that I agree with completely.  He said that he wanted to make sure that when bankers take risks in the hopes of gains, that the taxpayer does not have to "foot the bill".  Let me be perfectly clear about the ONLY solution for that.  DON'T BAIL THEM OUT!!!

If you set the expectation of a bailout, then big business will continue to find ways to take big risks.  Just let businesses operate with the only two acceptable scenarios being stand on their own two feet or fail.

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