Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama's State of the Union Last night

I wish I could say that it was entertaining.  I wish that I could say that he had put aside partisan rhetoric.  I wish I could say that it was enlightening.  I wish that I could tell you that he has put aside his dreams of a socialist utopia.  I wish that I had any good news at all.

As I stated yesterday, Obama has hit the campaign trail with year-old news of stimulus projects that will not show any meaningful job creation for years to come.  It is obvious that a significant portion of the stimulus money was being held-back so that it could be released during the election cycle in an attempt to buy votes.  Unfortunately, the for the administration (pretty sure I can get away without capitalizing that), American voters have woken up and realized that the money we are being bribed with is coming right out of our very own pockets. 

I really was saddened by the partisan rhetoric that I heard in the speech last night, but nothing could have prepared me for the scandalous statements that followed.  The passes that have been handed down to the leftists concerning their hate-speech have been nothing more than rediculous.  Reid's statement made during the campaign as well as the comment last night by Chris Matthews are two of the most recent.  Can you imagine the reaction to a Republican making either of these comments? 

Great news, you don't have to!  Just take a look at the fall-out from Trent Lott's statement a few years ago.

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