Wednesday, January 27, 2010

High Speed Rail to be announced tomorrow

President Obama and VP Biden will be in Tampa to announce grants (already announced a year ago in the Stimulus package) for high-speed rail. There is virtual certainty that a line connecting Tampa and Orlando will be approved as well as a line from Sacramento to San Diego.

The Stimulus plan set aside 8 billion in funds for 13 high speed rail projects. The plan is to create or save "tens of thousands" of jobs. The is a warning included that these jobs will not come about quickly especially when you factor in the fact that there are currently nearly no firms in the US that are involved in high-speed rail planning, production, or building. Given this, many foreign firms are more excited about this news than we should be domestically.

I would like to give a shout-out to the administration for taking the time to come on down to Tampa to announce something that was part of a bill from a year ago as if it is current news.

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