Thursday, January 28, 2010

Shame on you Mr. Philips

Due to the high cost of tickets ($550) and the hefty speaking fee they are paying, many tea party goers are boycotting the rally in Nashville, TN.  Not only the party are the attendees bowing out, but also some of the speakers.  Both Sen. Bachmann and Blackburn are canceling their planned speaking appointments.  They have both cited both the high cost of tickets and Mr. Philips' open desire to make a profit from the rally. 

It is my understanding that the tea party is made up of a group of individuals that want to see real change in American politics.  As for you Mr. Philips; profits have a time and place and this is neither.

Government should not be seen as a profitable occupation, nor as an opportunity for anything other than humble service.  If our elected officials would conduct themselves more like Mr. Belvedere we would all be the better for it.

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