Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Biden "Going Rogue"

In his latest "Going Rogue" event, Joe Biden stated "Washington right now is broken" and the country is in "deep trouble" unless it attacks ballooning federal deficits.

One year and a few days in and the VP is attacking the President. I guess the honeymoon is over.

However, in classic Progressive faux pas fashion he also argued that money invested in both private and public-sector initiatives has saved as many as 2 million jobs, "I don't think they realize it." He goes on to say the Stimulus program, now a year old, was designed to be implemented in two stages, saying "we've only been halfway through the act."

The facts are that we are just over a third of the way through the "act," a significant portion of the reported "saved/created" jobs are lies, and many of the "shovel ready" projects were delayed for political reasons. So lets see some math. (787B/3 = 262B/2M = 131,000) Awesome!! Each job created only cost us $131,000. Given that the average private sector employee makes roughly 40k/yr. We have created limited time jobs (these jobs will not last after the money stops coming in) for the low low cost of 3x the pay scale. I gotta give ol' Bidey the credit here, that is a great feat given that it is government. It would devastate his argument, but help his over-all credibility should they actually be able to post real numbers that do not crumble under the most mild of investigations.

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