Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sarah Palin

Like many, I was quite taken with Sarah Palin after McCain gave her the nod for the VP spot on his ticket.  I honestly felt that she was the third most qualified individual on either ticket for the spot.  I say qualified because if we have to look at job experience neither she nor Obama are anything of the sort. 

I fell prey to her history as a reformer, her ability to get into the mud pit (political arena) to kick some bureaucratic ass, and her moral character.  Having said that, I also felt that her gaffes were a result of insufficient preparation time.  She was called up to the "big leagues" too soon, taken from the safety of issues that belonged solely to her state and given only talking points for interview prep.  The result was that she was not prepared for some of the questions she had to take in interviews.  That is where she fumbled.  I laughed pretty hard when I saw the interview where she could not name the papers that she read to gain her world-view.  Although, I would have laughed harder had she said something like NY Times.

She was remarkable for her sincerity, which was never better showcased than in her moments of "going rogue."  But sincerity alone will not get you there.  I also liked her ideals, but ideals without the thoughtfulness necessary to both articulate and argue them are not enough.  I do not think that Sarah Palin is some intellectual powerhouse, and I never did. 

As I watch her now, 15 months later, I am struck by how far she has NOT progressed.  Now let me be clear, I do not want her to be a Progressive, but I would like to see some progress in her ability to handle some off-point questions.  Glenn Beck did an interview with here and threw some pretty easy softballs, but she muffed these almost as badly as she had the newspaper question. 

If America wants someone "smarter" than themselves to lead, then they should be satisfied with what they have now.  If America wants someone better (morally, constitutionally, ethically) than themselves, then Palin may not be a horrible choice.  Personally, I am holding out for that essential person that has the ethics, morals, and smarts; but that is still (against all odds) willing to answer the call to defend our great Constitution.

If you think that the Constitution is a "living document" (ei. no longer relevant), then please do not have the audacity to swear to defend it.  Disingenuous is the least offensive word that I can use to describe a person like that.

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