Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dennis Kucinich

This guy is a complete genius.  He had the audacity to go on TV today and state his plan for creating job growth.  Now get this, his plan is to lower the age for early Social Security retirement so that old people can leave their jobs earlier thereby creating openings that can be filled by younger people currently out of work.  

So, once again another career politician comes up with a solution to a problem that will both not solve the problem but have various other negative impacts.  Lets discuss:

First, and in my estimation most concerning, is the issue of adding more people to the rolls of Social Security that will be draining this insovent fund for an even longer period of time.  Just another example of short-sighted leadership from a career politician.  We should at least require an online MBA for these guys, but that would likely require that we review that standard as well.

Second, this plan does not help witht he creation of any new jobs.  It merely shuffles the deck, no net gains whatsoever.  This plan basically states that if your unemployment percentage starts to run high, jsut take workers out of the mix.  Perhaps if too few people vounteer for the program, he can suggest another method of culling the mass of working aged persons.  I hope the "permanent solution" does not occur to him. 

Third, what about the cost to companies?  I know that many of these faceless evil corporations have the temerity to turn a profit while so many "average" americans are suffering, but lets follow this to the logical conclusion.  How many of these aged retirees will actually be replaced?  Just as likely as replacing the departing personnel is the retirement of the position.  If they are replaced, how much will it cost these companies to train the incomming  personnel? (this is money that will be written-off at tax time)

Given more time I could likely come up with more.  But gee wiz, I only put an hour of thought into this so far.  I am not so smart a guy that I can outthink a congressman's entire staff, but I have done so yet again.  I expect that there will be a ton of bloggers and editorials on this.  However, I doubt a plan like this will ever see itself voted on by the general assembly.  I am just staggered by how obtuse our elected officials are.

I think it is time that we stop blaming the elected officials and just start back-handing each and every voter.

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