Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tea Party Agenda

You want a good chuckle today?  The Tea Partyists agenda almost exactly mirrors most of Obama's campaign promises.

There were promises of transparency and of a new kind of collaborative politics where establishment figures listened to ordinary Americans. We were going to see net spending cuts, tax cuts for nearly all Americans, an end to earmarks, legislation posted online for the public to review before it is signed into law and a line-by-line review of the federal budget to remove wasteful programs.

President Obama knew what the people wanted and promised it to them.  He openly stated his desire for universal health care, but with the caveat that it would not happen if it added "even one dime" to the budget.  What nobody realized was the Enron-esq accounting that he would allow to play into the plan. 

Given this, I am shocked that anyone has the ability to be blase about the Tea Party movement.  The inside joke on Capitol Hill has been, for quite some time, that lawmakers will tell you exactly what you want to hear to get elected and then forget their promises (many of which their position would never have let them accomplish). 

Can we please let some of the standards from the private sector filter into the public sector?  I am pretty sure that if I lie on my job application and my employer finds out, then I can be summarily fired.  Put this standard into place and let these guys fight for their jobs (which have about 4x the average pay for private sector and staggeringly better benefits).  What's the issue?  Other than the completely empty buildings we would have on Capitol Hill.

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