Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Obama on YouTube

I wish I could say that it was super interesting and informative, but it was only moderately so. He noted a few items of interest. Amongst those are Healthcare, student loan repayment, net neutrality, education, terrorism, and energy. See the full video here.

Healthcare - nothing new here, he still wants the government to run it.

Student loan repayment - nothing new here either. I am still struck by his thinking on this one though. Why would you let the debt expire for someone making (on average) 40k/yr after 20 years, but let someone making (on average) 70k/yr have theirs forgiven after only 10 years? The incongruity here is staggering. For that matter, why would you forgive any of this debt at all? God knows I am still paying my student loans. Instead of seeing them as a burden that I can foist off on others, I see them as the price I pay for access to the quality of life I enjoy. It is a slippery path you start down when you view your quality of life as being the responsibility of others.

Net Neutrality - wow, this is truly a can-of-worms. Please take the time to educate yourself on this point. I do not want to spoon feed anyone on this. My opinion on it - VERY BAD.

Higher Education - makes you a better citizen. Ouch.

Terrorism - I am actually pretty in-line with Obama's approach on this. I agree with each strategic decision he has made given where he found himself. I still regret going into Iraq under the pretenses that we did. Not that it did not need to be done, but we needed more concrete proof and justification for what we did there.

Energy - We are pretty much on the same page here. I advocate truly "clean" energy based on its proven ability to lower pollutants in the atmosphere. I do not endorse his indefensible opinion on climate change. We just have two separate roads to the same conclusion.

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