Friday, February 19, 2010

Obama continues to fight the housing bubble

In his town hall in NV today Obama unveiled plans today to "buy up vacant homes and turn them into affordable housing."  Great plan.  Kudos on both his generosity and foresight in taking the tough steps to make sure that the housing crisis does not go to waste, but can be used to further the socialist agenda. 

Am I the only one that sees the amazing flaw in this latest plan?  What happens when the home next to yours is taken over by the government and turned into "affordable" housing?  Lets assume that the people (for the most part) that live in your neighborhood worked hard to afford those homes right next door to yours.  They likely manicure their lawns, do regular maintenance on their homes, and do the various other things necessary to keep the entire neighborhood looking good.  These same folks also are more apt to instill in their children the values and work ethic that helped them achieve a similar level of success that you yourself have achieved.  What happens when the $300,000 dollar home similar to the one that you have sacrificed, saved, and worked hard for (which also happens to be right next door) is sold for $150,000 or even $200,000?  Does the school that still has the "best teachers" get to maintain its lofty standards even though the children now attending it are not pushed to study by their parents?  Administrators and teachers can only do so much with a student that will not study. 

This new program proposal from the administration can be defined in only two words.  SOCIAL ENGINEERING  I can assure you that the same family that bought the $300,000 home could have had the $200,000 neighbor if they had wanted to from day one. 

Guess what? 
They did not want it. 
Guess what? 
They're gonna get it anyway.

I have an alternative to the President's plan.  Stop spending money that you do not have.  Start reducing the deficits that you "inherited."  Trust me, I know it's not your fault.  However, feel free to start by reworking the budget YOU just submitted.  You know, the one with the largest deficit in history. 

I guess it really does all come back to education.  Obama admitted today that he did not always do his math homework.  Not a huge shocker given his track record for ignoring America's huge deficit.

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